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The Life Cycle of Clothes

So I’ve been thinking a lot about environmental sustainability, namely because of the Business Plan Competition I’m entering with Britta, Rebecca and Knowles (we’ve been kicking around various ideas for the social entrepreneurship track, and they all seem to involve some ultimate goal of making environmentally-friendly products that are made using sustainable production techniques more readily available on the open market. Also, I’m reading Cradle to Cradle. More on both of these points to come. But then last week the idea of sustainabilty arose in Despina’s class, the intentionally vaguely-named “Softness of Things.” (Is it just me or does every single one of my classes have some silly name this…

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Bloggers as Numbers

There have been a lot of articles going around lately, and everyone just seems so excited to start finding out WHO bloggers actually ARE. The statistics, as it were. Now I admit to a bit of initial excitement myself. Everyone likes to read about a group that they feel they are a part of. Not to mention that given the previous state of things, the demeaning ways the New York Times is usually given to portraying bloggers and blogs as information sources (read: untrustworthy, echo chamber, etc.), it’s nice when some good things start coming out (in respectable print, no less) about the blogosphere. (Thanks, Alex and Caleb.) SFGate NYT…

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MovieNite Meets MST3K

Not that I wasn’t already sad to see MovieNite, our synchronous online video watching experience, go after an intense couple of weeks pulling it together for our PPM final, but I’ve also just gotten a reminder. Even without the simliarities to our project, I can’t count how many times we talked about MST3K in Shawn’s class (I think it may be his third favorite thing in the world, right after karaoke and call-in radio). And of course I got to give my usual rant about my favorite 4:00am weekend cable show, Cheap Seats. (What can I say? I worked a bar Friday and Saturday nights in a town where the…

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I Hate UPS: Part III

I love Fedex. Last week my sister threw away my contact lenses, condemning me to several days of wearing my glasses. With my birthday party coming up on Thursday, I picked up the phone Tuesday afternoon to call the nice people at Coastal Contacts and place a next day delivery with them. The lenses themselves were on backorder so they didn’t ship until Wednesday, which theoretically, would put them in my hands, or, eyes, as it were, the day of the party. Perfect. As usual, I had no class on Thursday and so would be available all day to get the package. I woke up Thursday morning and went downstairs…

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I Hate UPS: Part II

In light of recent events, or, rather, non-events that occurred the afternoon March 3rd wherein I waited until an hour past my scheduled delivery time for yet another package that did not come, I think it’s time to post part 2 of the, apparently, never-ending story. This will take a minute to load the first time you play it. Don’t be scared. Watch part two

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Beyond Broadcast 2006

As I mentioned before, I’ll be doing a bit of writing on the Beyond Broadcast blog as I’m here in Boston attending the Open Media Summit. I’ll try to keep up on it here as well and post some more random thoughts and comments, and whatever doesn’t end up on the official blog. I’m also recording most of the panels and presentations and will have a podcasting stream of that available soon. What strikes me so far here is the adoption, as one would expect, of the participation “model” if it could be called that, the encouragement of audience interaction. We’ve been asked to tag all of our photos and…

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